[thechat] Journals (was Re: Things are looking up)

dave mclean dave at members.evolt.org
Sat Apr 6 11:57:01 CST 2002

On 2002.04.06 01:49, s t e f wrote:

> [[ dave mclean -- 01:25 06/04/02 -0700 ]]
>> Hey, I'll be able to read it.  When's it going live?
> Oh, er... It's going to be both a blog and a serious CMS for all the
> articles I (and a few friends) have written, critiques, opinions,
> interviews, etc. My personal projects always end up being pharaonic because
> I use them to learn more all the time. The redo was supposed to take a few
> weeks and it's been several months in the making... (eventually there's
> even gonna be a photo gallery, of course)

Sounds like a fun one.  I was thinking I'd use it to expand my knowledge of
Web stuff too, but I kind of want to stop putting it off. So I'll start with
some very simple ASP includes and go from there.

>> Puis que je m'embarrasse
> Four french words. :-)

Ah oui, c'est dommage que le monde du Web n'est pas plein de l'information
en francais, mais peut être c'est parceque vous n'avais jamais mis votre
travail dans un Blog?

Ah yes, it be a pity that the world of Web be not full of information in
French, but can be it be because you have never put your work in a Blog?

>> See, I did it already.
> LOL!
>>> What's the use for a global network if we don't have a global language?
>> Sadly, I think its English for the net.  Then again, I haven't been reading
>> a lot of Chinese email lately.
> See? See? I yet have to see a papuan email, too...

Peut être on peux commencer un mouvement pour Esperanto.

> My point is that we all go preaching to all our friends (I know _I_ do) to
> get connected because it's a means of expression, a way to be in touch with
> the whole world, a cultural vector, etc etc.
> [as a side note I'm not even sure one should say "I preach to someone to do
> something" -- it shows my limits I guess]

No, that's right.  You can certainly preach to anyone the praises of the
Internet.  You should tell your father to look for a french speaking pen
pall in Quebec or la Côte d'Ivoire.  Maybe somewhere he's never been,

> And I feel stupid all at once.

Sometimes all the parents need is email.  Get there friends connected and
relatives living far away and they'll wonder why they didn't get started


damclean 403.708.6215
dave at members.evolt.org
evolt.org member since: 1998

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