[thechat] Presentation of food

abbey abbey at abbeyink.com
Sun Feb 2 09:54:01 CST 2003

On Sat February 1 2003 8:17 pm, David Wagner wrote:
> My folks are from the Midwest, and were raised on the concept that your
> dinner should still be mooing when it's on your plate. Luckily, I was given
> the option of choosing for myself, and having tried both a plate full of
> gushy, bloody flesh and a nicely juicy, warm, and firm steak, the choice
> has always seemed pretty obvious.

I'm from the midwest too and the steak I grew up on was the one from the tired
old milk cow. It's not just beef, it depends on the type of cow, and how the
meat was prepared before it ever hit the kitchen.

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