[thelist] <cfif> within <cfoutput>?

Minh Lee Goon v7ac at sdsumus.sdstate.edu
Fri Jul 7 11:52:36 CDT 2000

I'm trying to validate an ID from an Access DB file. Basically, you log
in and the CF scripts runs through the table and find that log-in ID. If
it's there, you pass... if not, no soup for you!

Now, I have the following:
<cfoutput query="validate">
    <cfif form.ID is "#validate.ID#">
        You may enter
        No soup for you!

I have the <cfoutput> outside the <cfif> so that it will replace and
compare the #validate.ID# for every value in that table. It will only go
through the first value and check it. If I enter a different ID, it just
kicks me out (as in, the <cfelse> part). Anyone here know what I'm doing


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