[thelist] Re: ..Frames.. (JS Solution) > Jeff's JS Tip

Annie Phelan aphelan at norlink.net
Fri Jul 7 14:27:59 CDT 2000

thanks Jeff!
                   I've never run into a situation before where it was
specifically relevant, so I didn't put much thought to it, but you're right :)
You should have made that one a tip :)


> you should *always* wrap your attribute values in quotes (preferably
> double), even if they're within document.write() statements....  this is where
> escaping comes in handy.  this is also the sort of situation that gives a
> lot more weight to the reasoning that you should always use single-quotes in
> javascript and double-quotes in html since you'll run into much fewer
> instances of needing to escape the single-quotes.

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