[thelist] CF - MAXROWS

Palyne Gaenir palyne at sciencehorizon.com
Tue Jul 18 19:43:25 CDT 2000

Thanks Daniel!  You're great!  But the breath-holding question you 
didn't answer (which came up for me after reading your notes) is:

Is it FASTER (processing-wise) if you specify a BLOCKFACTOR in query 
tags that are expected to return more than 1 record?  So it only 
makes one trip to the DB for the rows?  And would there be any 
performance-harm to spec'ing a high# BF just in case?

P.S.  I had never even heard of this tag before today. Seems like it 
would be regularly used and known about for everyone (in queries) if 
it were of value.  I'm just going through Forta's book page by page 
and found it.


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