[thelist] re:site price help

rudy limeback r937 at interlog.com
Thu Jul 20 07:24:45 CDT 2000

> 1) I don't know how good you are, so can't comment on how well 
> you can do the job or how long it would take you. Something that 
> takes me 1 hour could take you 5 hours, and vice versa. How much 
> you charge DOES depend upon this. For example, Rudy Limeback 
> can probably charge more than Joe DBA 'cause he's been doing it 
> for 20 years :) (Right, Rudy?)

actually longer, but that's not necessarily going to get me the gig

thank goodness on the internet nobody can tell you're a dog...

... or former mainframe programmer    ;o)

> I just had another conversation with someone yesterday who has 
> a friend whose a programmer in "real" life and has a freelance biz 
> building web pages. "It's so easy, anyone can do it!" As we all know, 
> that is just so much bullshit.

aw rats, that is just what i was hoping to do

i got a feeling i'm going to end up living under a bridge after all......

good thing this prospect doesn't bother me

by then i'll have a portable with a satellite uplink

won't even have to unsubscribe

heh heh

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