[thelist] WWW.TV - Domans with TV? Register Domains With TV?

Oliver Lineham oliver at lineham.co.nz
Tue Aug 29 19:06:29 CDT 2000

At 17:54 29/08/00 -0500, you wrote:

>At any rate, the country sold its rights to the .tv top level domain for
>a minimum of $4million per year for ten years to make life better for
>the people of the country..
>Any country could sell the rights to its top level domain name,

Although if they do, they are in risk of the domain being taken off 
them.  It is by no means clear-cut, but IANA policy 
(http://www.iana.org/cctld/icp1.htm) has many clauses with respect to the 
delegated ccTLD manager acting in good faith and doing what is in the 
interests of the people of the country it represents.

Obviously $4 million for a tourism/fisheries based economy is much more 
useful  than a dot and two letters. But if the people of Tuvalu wanted to 
become Silicon Atoll and use the domain, they could conceivably complain to 
IANA to have the ccTLD redelegated to a different manager.

Domain name issues, eh?  Wasn't someone around here supposed to be working 
on a site for these things?  *looks around innocently*


     v i b e   m e d i a    http://www.vibe.co.nz/
  po box 10-492              wellington, new zealand
  phone +64 21 210-7845         oliver at lineham.co.nz

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