[thelist] html tip

Sam-I-Am sam at sam-i-am.com
Fri Sep 8 13:59:07 CDT 2000

wrapping up a project, and finding time on my hands, so:

<tip type="html formatting" author="sam-i-am">
When you need images to sit right next to each other, but hate what it
does to your code (looooong lines) try this:

<p><img src="img.gif" width="10" height="10" alt="img"><!-- no space
--><img src="img.gif" width="10" height="10" alt="img"><!-- no space
--><img src="img.gif" width="10" height="10" alt="img"></p>

The images won't wrap, and there's no spaces inbetween them, but you can
still read your code.
(the P is just an example of the container tag.. it might be a TD or

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