[thelist] Could someone take time to review my site?

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 19 09:13:36 CDT 2000

> From: Robin Gilmor - DezigningWomen
[robinyael at hotmail.com]
> All comments will be appreciated.
> Yael Gilmor
> http://www.dezigningwomen.com

ummm... ok...

in IE5/win98 - lin 108, char 1, object expected... ok,
crashed my machine... not cool... those functions are bloat,
grab some cleaner ones... must be the HumanClick stuff,

who coded the HTML, a WYSIWYG (then WYGIWYD)?  your spacer
.gifs have fat alt attributes, so before the image
downloads, it looks very odd... in general, your alt
attributes aren't much help, appearing to be designed more
for search engines than for people... trust me, target
people here, not search engines... also, check your meta
tags (especially on the free estimate page)... bad code here
makes them useless...

all those comment tags with keywords will probably do you
more harm than good in search engines... you want a good
ranking?  use text that has those words...

you have navigation along the top, but it appears to be a
splash page... so where does 'Enter' take me?

i find the use of asterisks on web pages amusing...
especially when they aren't hyperlinks to anchors...

the logo of the mermaid looks like one of those women you
see on truck drivers' tire flaps as it's coming down and
going through the progressive renderings... once it's fully
downloaded, it's fine...

you take the time to slice up your 'Enter' image, but all
the other images are fat... over 61k for the home page,
which, IMO, is way too much... took forever to load over my
33.6...  a 52k logo is unacceptable for folks like me...

what's with HumanClick?  other than the <HumanIcon> tag...
why on earth do you use that instead of a multitude of other
things you can do to get feedback...?

on the content pages...

centered text doesn't do much for me...

your font tags don't cascade very well...

doesn't fit in my 640x480...

'CLICK HERE' is in all-caps, and is a cliche to use... the
rest of the statement ("to receive a free estimate form...")
is underlined, but not a link... at least in NN
4.08/win98... should check your code, since it looks
different in IE...

ther mermaid on the nav buttons doesn't do anything like
tell me that's where i am... confused me to see it there...
thought i was on the "What" page... try stuffing it in the
fat logo...

don't see the need for text nav on the bottom if the page is

those buttons are *huge*...  45k+ is better, but still too
large... no images are re-used from that fat download on the
front page, either, so it feels like a bigger page...

your clients page shouldn't be centered, should open in new
windows, and shouldn't actually tell people to click... at
least not people like me... that animated gif is a little
too eye-candy... or was it an applet?  i dunno, i moved on
too quickly...

the copy on the "what" page leaves cynics like me thinking,
"so what? if you're going to cite statistics, tell me where
you got them, otherwise, don't cite 'em..."

i think per-page pricing is a dead model... i love watching
clients create 3 page sites with 50 screens of scrolling...
i've seen that happen a lot with a lot of page-pricers
getting screwed...

i think both your about and clients pages could benefit from
a simple unordered list... in fact, most of your content

your free estimate form could benefit from a little left
alignment (or right, but *any* alignment)... there are a
number of usability faux pas (what's the plural of that?)
here, like using bullets on one side, and a checkbox on the
other -- use the checkbox *as* the bullet... lose the
all-caps... add some accessibility features from HTML4...

anyway, i have to go to work now... so enjoy...

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