[thelist] followup SQL question

Warden, Matt mwarden at odyssey-design.com
Fri Sep 22 06:24:54 CDT 2000

> Is there any difference (speed, elegance, etc.) between these statements?
> The CF query builder seens to make the second, which seems wrong.
> SELECT * FROM Services INNER JOIN Operators ON Services.OperatorID =
> Operators.OperatorID
> SELECT * FROM Services WHERE Services.OperatorID = Operators.OperatorID

you have to include Operators in your FROM clause.

SELECT * FROM Services, Operators WHERE Services.OperatorID =

I prefer the second way for readability, but I've seen Rudy and many others
give examples using the first syntax, which makes me wonder. Ever seen this:

SELECT * FROM Services, Operators WHERE Services.OperatorID .=

did you see that dot before the = sign when you first read it? many people
don't, and if they do, they don't know what it means. there goes my
readability excuse. but, for inner joins, i do prefer the latter method.


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