[thelist] individual health insurance

Erika Meyer meyer at up.edu
Tue Nov 21 13:07:07 CST 2000

I'd like to know when you find out more, but I remember seeing 
freelance insurance info (and other good info) on http://www.guru.com.

Another resource might be the Small Business Association,
(why are government websites always so annoying?)
(actually, I've found the SBA less than helpful, myself....)

and for Oregon, you might check out the resources available from the 
Oregon Entrepeneur's Foundation.

good luck!


>I've recently been layed off and am considering going back to the world of
>freelancing and contracting. In order to do that, though, I'll need to set
>up my own health insurance. Anyone have any recommendations or personal
>experience to share on that?
>- amanda
>"It's amazing -- you really can feel the love tonight."

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