[thelist] Using SSI for site design

Katherine Spice k.spice at acu.ac.uk
Fri Nov 24 09:22:18 CST 2000

Zoe Oughton wrote:

> However, the SSI sections of each web page can only be seen when the site is
> viewed via the host server.  The SSI bits of code cannot be viewed when the
> browser is reading the page from the computer hard drive.

SSI = Server Side Includes

The server parses the files which have the appropriate extension
(usually, but not always, .shtml, as defined in your .htaccess), and
substitutes the <--#include.....> for the appropriate
HTML/text/whatever, _before_ the page is sent to the browser.

Really, the only way round this is to install a webserver on each of the
laptops...of course you could save the HTML pages to each laptop from
the browser (and use the same directory structure for images .js and
.css files etc, so your links still work) but it's a high maintenance



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