[thelist] Window Maximized

Jamie Madden jamie at bayou.com
Mon Dec 4 15:45:05 CST 2000

seems as if we got confused somewhere.  simple:

	click a button/link/etc.  window opens.  i wanted this window to 
automatically open full screen.  tried passing screen.width and 
screen.height to window.open(....) but to no avail.  instead window 
open(.....width=1,height=1) and in the html that shows up in the new window 
onLoad="window.resizeTo(screen.width,screen.height)".  works fine.

everybody caught up?

now i need to tell the window to open at a screen position of 0,0 so that 
the top left corner of the window is in the top left corner of the 
screen.  any help?


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