[thelist] https through a proxy with Perl

phammar at dplanet.ch phammar at dplanet.ch
Wed Dec 6 11:30:39 CST 2000


A colleage has the following problem:

He's trying to access information from
a server using https through a proxy, 
but the proxy returns the following :

	HTTP/1.0 200 OK
	Content-Type: text/html
	Client-Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 17:00:37 GMT
	Refresh: 0; URL=https://your.server.com/

So my question is:
How do I get the page itself and not the refresh information ?

Here's the script (adapted from the ActivePerl doc):

use LWP::UserAgent;
my $header = new HTTP::Headers;
$header->authorization_basic("uName", "pWord");
$header->header("Accept" => "text/plain");
$uagent = new LWP::UserAgent;
$uagent->proxy(['https', 'ftp'] => 'http://proxy:80');

$wheretogo = "https://your.server.net/";
$req = new HTTP::Request ("GET" => $wheretogo, $header, "");
$req->proxy_authorization_basic("", "");

$result = $uagent->request($req);
print $result->as_string;

Any suggestions in Perl or ASP would be 
warmly accepted. (the server runs NT)

TIA, Peter

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