Fixed parts on a page (previously Re: [thelist] menus without frames)

Aylard JA (James) jaylard at
Thu Mar 1 10:09:33 CST 2001


> I told him, without really knowing how, that there is a way to do that
> html, css, javascript and/or combinations of these. Now I'm curious, how
> you do that?, have a part of the page fixed in the same position.

	The level of CSS supported by most browsers today does not do this
very well -- you have to use scripting to reposition an absolutely
positioned element as the page scrolls, which is often distracting (it
results in hopping and jittering). used to do this with
advertising on its pages, but seems to have dropped the practice.
	The CSS that is designed to make your suggestion work -- without
scripting -- is "position: fixed". Currently, apart from its use with
background images ("background-position: fixed"), it is only supported by
Netscape 6.x. Hopefully the release version of IE 6 will also support it,
but Peter-Paul Koch found that the early beta currently floating around the
web does not.
	Right now, unfortunately, frames are about the only practical way to
fix content in a particular part of the window for most browsers.

James Aylard

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