[thelist] Debut site-critique requested

Alastair Murdoch alastair at mtbtuned.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Apr 5 07:03:14 CDT 2001

Only immediate suggestion would be to make your bottom navigation bar a
table and use text links.  It could look almost exactly the same and would
be a bit quicker to load (overall load time not too bad on a 56K).  Also a
minor point, but some of the text on the left hand menu looks a little
'untidy'.  Try using the anti-alias options (presuming you used fireworks).

You might also want to make the flash intro automatically take you into the
site after a few seconds.  It's not immediately obvious that you have to
click on the puck.

other than that, well done


A l a s t a i r   M u r d o c h
c o n s u l t a n t  @  c u b e

    [t:]  01292 27 00 99
    [m:]  07974 323 551
    [w:] www.cubeit.co.uk

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