Alister Cameron alister at cameroncreative.com
Fri May 4 22:39:03 CDT 2001

Hi learned colleagues!

I make it a policy to build everything these days for version 4 browsers and
up. To help things along a little I usually go looking for cross-browser
DHTML libraries which I then tailor to suit. That's the general approach

Good news is I can almost ALWAYS get all the browsers to perform the same.
The biggest hassle is dropping the feature-set down gracefully for NS4 and
IE4, if needed.

But my biggest grief is how unbearably slow NS6's rendering is.

Take Thomas Brattli's Coolmenus (good selection here -
http://www.bratta.com/dhtml/howtos/coolmenus_modifications.asp). They work
faithfully in NS6 but slow as a wet week compared to IE5. My O/S is NT4, by
the way.

I have looked at other DHTML code for NS6 and invariably I get a similar

Now is it a matter of BAD use of NS6, of something inherent to it, period?

Love to know what others are experiencing and any solutions found.


Alister Cameron

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