[thelist] Apache htaccess

Hugh Blair hblair at bigfoot.com
Sat May 26 23:24:55 CDT 2001

>  Keith Davis wrote:
> But, I was uploading the .htaccess to a server I'd never been on before.
> And it wasn't getting to the server. I uploaded that damned thing 3
> times before it dawned on me that that server treats a period begining
> file name as a hidden file, refusing to show it to FTP as well as http.

In CuteFTP PRO you can see 'hidden' files by opening the remote folder,
then right=click / filter current view and make changes.

 From the Help file:

Server Side Filtering:  Here, users can define a custom 
listing command for remote systems supporting this feature.  
These custom commands are typically parameters to the 
Unix "ls" command.  For example, to force display of 
hidden files, use the parameter "-a".

It drove me nuts until I found this.  



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