[thelist] designed challenged

Paola Kathuria paola at limitless.co.uk
Tue Jun 26 10:20:35 CDT 2001

Peter Van Dijck wrote:
> OK, so why is it that small text just looks so much cooler than large text,
> even though it's often less usable?
> Being design-challenged, I just don't get that. But it's true. But I don't
> get it. Help?

I know what you mean but I don't know what the answer is.

I was most struck by this effect on http://www.theobvious.com/
(I get the PC NetScape stylesheet), which is showing me 9pt
Verdana with increased line-height.

However, the problem with 9pt is that it's the smallest
legible font size for Macs and so doesn't leave any room
for a smaller and smallest font (which I like to have
available to me).

Verdana is also a typeface that, to me, is ugly and is hard
work to read larger than 11pt (on a PC).  Given the choice
between a page of text in 12pt Verdana or a page in Times
Roman, I'd read the page in Times.


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