[thelist] onMouseOver to trigger flash movie

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Fri Jun 29 08:41:42 CDT 2001

At 8:19 AM +0100 6/29/01, Kristina Floyd wrote:
>  unfortunately i think i'll lose the client if i did that & my boss
>  has his mind made up aswell  ;o\

Well, gee whizz. Only one out of the four most common browsers 
support FSCommand in the their current releases, and support for 
older browsers is spotty:

Netscape 6 - Win - No
Netscape 6 - Mac - No
IE 5 Mac - No
IE 5.5 Win - yes

Maybe of you grabbed them by the ears, pulled them two inches from 
your nose and said "WHAT. ARE. YOU. CRAZY?"

>  if your sure its not too much trouble i would really appreciate an
>example to work from, i've searched
>  the net and i've had no luck in finding a tutorial that shows me how
>  to do this.  i've found plenty that go from flash out to javascript
>  but not the other way round.  i'm quite sure i'm not searching for
>  the right thing...


Two things you should keep in mind as you're reading stuff is that:

_ you are only communicating from JavaScript to Flash - not from 
Flash to Javascript.
_ because you are calling the FSCommand from Javascript triggered by 
an anchor mouseover, you will create errors in browsers that don't 
support FSCommand unless you have a mechanism in your JavaScript to 
prevent the errors.
_ When FSCommand is supported, an error will be generated if the 
JavaScript in your text frame refers to a js function or Flash movie 
that has not yet downloaded in it's other frame.

Here is an example of FSCommands that generate errors in unsupported browsers:


- Erik Mattheis

Weaning self off M$.
Learning Linux.
Waiting for OS X apps.
Still wants to see flying saucer.

(612) 827 3963

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