[thelist] Global.asa

Kevin Stevens kjs at ratking.co.uk
Fri Jun 29 17:37:10 CDT 2001

Sorry, this is going to be a long one. I have a page of photos that take the
filepath from a database using the primary key to identify each individual
phot from a thumbnail, thus...

<td><a href="photos.asp?photothumbs1=54"><img src="thumbs/la/swingers1.jpg"
width="155" height="88" alt="" border="0"></td>

but I am getting this error when I try to access the photo...

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default
driver specified

/photos.asp, line 21

What I think is the problem is that I need a global.asa file, but I don't
know what to put in it. The code that writes the page is...

'####### OPEN CONNECTION #######
set conn = server.createobject ("adodb.connection")
set RSPhoto = server.createobject ("adodb.recordset")
conn.open "photos","Admin","ratking"

set RSPhoto = conn.execute ("select * from photos where pkey in ("&

Could someone tell me if this is the right assumption and give me the code
for the global.asa file. I am in a desparate hurry as I would like to post
the site this weekend. What I don't understand is that it runs perfectly
fine on PWS but not on the servers at my hosting company (I have tried it on
2 different servers). I have called the help line and it seems that my ODBC
connection is fine, and after doing a search on the Net I am led to believe
that it is because of the missing global.asa file.
Thanks very much

kjs at ratking.co.uk

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