[thelist] Migrating a big site out of frames

Cory Preus cory_preus at cnt.com
Tue Jul 10 17:16:12 CDT 2001

Evening all-

My company's intranet is based on frames and we desire nothing more than
getting rid of the beasties. In short, we will be revising the whole shebang
in time (changing the taxonomy to match users needs as opposed to a
depeartmental heirarchy and more). Since it is such a Herculean task, we
want to bandage a little to begin make it more palatable while we plan the
big restructure.

I ask: what suggestions do people have for moving out of frames? We
primarily would like every static HTML page bookmarkable with the navigation
traditional frames provide. I'm thinking a multi-find/replace inserting a
little IFRAMES code is a temporary fix (save lots of work and gives the
pages absolute URLs, yet allows for universal changing of the navigation).
Any other thoughts?

And here's a couple tips since I know I'm in the red.

It is useful to set your browser's background color preference to the old
gray of Dead Browsers. That way, when developing sites, you can catch when
you forget to set the background color. Plus, you can catch the errors of
others. ;)

<tip type="ASP Response.Write performance">
*** Slower: (one per line)
Response.Write Name & "<br>"
Response.Write Street & "<br>"
Response.Write City & ", " & State & ", " & Zip & "<br>"

*** A little faster (de-reference the object) :
With Response
    .write Name & "<br>"
    .write Street & "<br>"
    .write City & ", " & State & ", " & Zip & "<br>"
End With

*** Faster: (Concatenate strings)
Dim strHTML
strHTML = strHTML & Name & "<br>"
strHTML = strHTML & Street & "<br>"
strHTML = strHTML & City & ", " & State & ", " & Zip & "<br>"
Response.Write strHTML

*** Faster Still (Use continuation character):
Response.Write Name & "<br>" & _
               Street & "<br>" & ", " & _
               State & ", " & _
               Zip & "<br>"

*** Even Faster (all on one line): 
Response.Write Name & "<br>" & Street & "<br>" & ", " & State & ", " & Zip &

(via http://www.valtara.com/csc123/WhitePaper/ASPBestPractices.htm)

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