[thelist] help! client bought Photoshop!!

Fri Aug 24 14:46:50 CDT 2001

A client is trying to say "I have Photoshop... tell me what to do and I can
add the images myself."  While I would love for them to do it themselves
(this is an internal client, it does not earn me any extra $$ to do it
myself), I know they will muck it up.  Not to worry about the HTML part...
they use an application we developed to update the site so they don't do
HTML.  But, they can paste an image in if they want.
So, now they've asked what are my requirements for images to go on the web.
I laugh, as my requirements are pretty tight... and now I have to dumb them
-cropped tightly
-does not push the total page size over 50K
-jpeg vs gif - has this been chosen correctly
-color pallette - as small as possible

Anybody care to add?  I will compile the list at the end and repost it.


p.s. sorry about this darn disclaimer... can't do anything about it

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