[thelist] apply PRE formatting with css?

nate koechley nate at vicksburgcollective.com
Thu Aug 30 20:41:09 CDT 2001

hey all,

i was wondering if there was a way to achieve this:
	source code
without the <pre> tags. in other words, can I apply "pre" formatting by 
using CSS? I'm tyring to find the best way to display source code on a 
page. is there a best practice out there to display source code on the page?

on a related note, does anybody have a script or homesite extension form 
translating all the [< ] to [ &lt; ] (acutally, all the carets, quotes, 


<tip type="netscape DOM" author="nate koechley">	
to access a nester layer in netscape, use this syntax:
	NS4.* //		document.PARENT_LAYER_NAME.layers[which].visibility = 'visible';

for the others (IE4, IE5,6, NS 6)  the PARENT_LAYER_NAME isn't necessary 
because you can access the div by name/id directly, as shown in the 
following two lines:
	IE4 // 		document.all[which].style.visibility = 'visible';
	IE/NS 5/6 // 	document.getElementById(which).style.visibility = 

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