[thelist] Cooper on navigation

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Tue Oct 9 23:56:20 CDT 2001

Alan Cooper of Cooper Interaction Design has a new article online.

I quote:

"The artless Websites created during the Web's infancy were of necessity 
built only with simple HTML tags, and were forced to divide up their 
functionality and content into a maze (a web?) of separate pages. This made 
a navigation scheme an unavoidable component of any Website design, and of 
course, a clear, visually arresting navigation scheme was better than an 
obscure or hidden one. But many Web designers have incorrectly deduced from 
this that users want navigation schemes. Actually, they'd be happy if there 
were no navigation at all."

URL: http://makeashorterlink.com/?N2C91231

I'll comment a little later, but I thought you would find it interesting.



<<<   *   >>>
Madhu Menon
User Experience Consultant
e-mail: webguru at vsnl.net

Weblog: http://madman.weblogs.com

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