[thelist] urgent! popup window problem in Netscape 4!

Keith cache at dowebs.com
Fri Nov 9 12:53:15 CST 2001

> function popUp(theURL,winName,features) {
>         popWin = window.open(theURL,winName,features);
>   setTimeout('popWin.focus()', 500);
>         }

> it was working great for me in IE4+ and Netscape 4.76 and Netscape
> 6.x. suddenly, however, it's stopped working in Netscape 4.76! the
> mydoc.htm only loads *halfway* and then stops! 

Try removing your setTimeout('popWin.focus()', 500); If the 
document hasn't loaded by the time the parent calls the focus it's 
probably breaking popWin. Since you have no control over web 
traffic speed I suggest you do not intergrate any timing events 
between the two windows involving traffic. Instead use 
onload=window.focus() in the body tag of the document in popWin. 


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