[thelist] [OT]Toronto Beervolt Photos

Tara Cleveland taracc at home.com
Wed Nov 14 10:22:09 CST 2001

Hi everyone,

I've put up some photos of our small (but fun) Toronto Beervolt. 

We'll do it again sometime soon!


<tip type="Beervolt Next Day Survival" author="Anon.">
Don't go home and share several bottles of wine with the neighbours
after a beervolt. I promise you won't feel very good the next day.

<tip type="quick and easy steps for digital photo fixing up"
author="Tara Cleveland">
Okay, this is assuming you have Photoshop.

1. Open up your pic. Take a look at the composition. Is the subject off
centre (and you didn't mean it to be)? Crop liberally. If you've cut off
the top of a head, make it an "arty photo" and cut off the chin too.

2. Go to image > adjust > levels. This allows you to play around with
the contrast. I'm amazed at the number of pics that have contrast
slightly off. Play around with the little arrow sliders, you should get
the feel of it.

3. Go to image > adjust > hue/saturation. This allows you to change the
hue and saturation. Often with flash photos, people look totally washed
out. If you can't fix that with the contrast levels, you can add some
colour by upping saturation. Also, I know my camera tends to make
everyone look a little more pink and a little more blue than they
actually are. You can adjust that blue or greenish or yellowish tinge
your cheap camera makes by moving the hue slider around. Another way of
doing this (especially if you only want to affect midtones or
hightlights or shadows is to go to image > adjust > variations and
adjust from there choosing to change only the area you want).

4. If your picture sucks really badly, you might not be able to make it
decent. As my teacher used to say "Garbage in, garbage out!". So go
crazy with filters and make it a strange "solarized" masterpiece! Or
just take another picture.

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