[thelist] Oledb connection problem with Access XP - renewed

darren darren at web-bitch.co.uk
Fri Nov 23 05:09:06 CST 2001

On 22 November 2001 at 18:50:03, Joel D Canfield <joel at spinhead.com> wrote:

JDC> Hey, look! I can reply to my own post!

heh...never a good sign...

JDC> Which I'm STILL getting. Any more ideas?

not sure what's kicking up the error, but it may be that you're not
creating the recordset before the assignment....or are you??

the following code always works for me for sql strings:

      set objCon = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
      set objRc = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
      objRc.CursorLocation = adUseServer
      objRc.Open strSQL, objCon, adOpenForwardOnly, , adCmdText

      if objRc.BOF and objRc.EOF then
         Response.Write "we got nuffin"
         'get jiggy with the data
      end if

      set objRC = nothing
      set objCon = nothing

JDC> Is developing with Access really that much harder than SQL? I've been
JDC> working with SQL7/2000 for a year, and it's a dream. Access continually
JDC> frustrates me, but it's how this project needs to work.

there seem to be a *lot* more quirks when you're coding against access,
but for the most part it seems to go fine.  memos and blobs can be

but it can't compare to sql2k, that's a *very* nice backend to play with!



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