[thelist] RE: removing claret from IE (Here's how to do it)

Bruce Heerssen bruce at heerssen.com
Fri Nov 23 17:38:09 CST 2001

On Thursday 22 November 2001 15:03, Rob Redford wrote:
> <tip author="Rob Redford" type="Stupid Browser tricks">
> Accessibility be damned!
> If you insist on removing the dotted lines that appear around clicked
> links, form buttons, and image maps in IE it's easily done and does not
> affect how other browsers work with the same links.  Simply add this bit of
> Javascript to your anchor tags or form buttons:
> onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()"

Uh... couldn't you use 'onmouseup'? This would tie the event to the mouse, 
leaving other functionality associated with the keyboard in place. AFAIK, 
IE4.up recognizes the onmouseup attribute - that would neatly solve the 
problem in IE while not affecting other browsers that may not recognize it.

What am I missing here?


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