[thelist] CF: cflocation/cfcookie workaround

rudy r937 at interlog.com
Mon Nov 26 12:29:32 CST 2001

>... A 302 header, which is what the cflocation does, basically tells the
> browser, we're sorry, but the number you have dialed has been changed

rory, are you sure about this?  i can understand this happening with
joshua's suggestion

  <cfheader statuscode="302" statustext="Object Temporarily Moved">
  <cfheader name="location" value="http://your.domain.com">

but i looked up cflocation in the documentation, and it just says

  CFLOCATION opens a specified ColdFusion page or HTML file

i don't see this as a redirect involving a trip to the browser and back
again -- but then, that could just be me not understanding what's going on

what exactly does "open" mean in this context???

ray?  anybody?


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