[thelist] Netscape 4.7 browser problem - apply style to select box

P. Z. cliverping at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 4 09:55:08 CST 2001

Hi everyone!

My first question is simple but really painful.  I have finished the page 
with all user input boxes, different kinds.  After user inputs, I put their 
answers to a list select box.  To make sure that the select box looks not 
too bad, I have applied a style to them to give a width and height.  It 
works all right with IE, but NOT with Netscape 4.7.  Apparently it doesn't 
work with Netscape 4.7.  Any solution?

here is the code:

.formBox { width: 160px; height: 100px}

<select name="menu2" size=3 multiple class="formBox"></select>

The options will be filled with some other JavaScript, so don't worry about 


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