[thelist] how design affects ecommerce

Fortune Elkins fortune_elkins at summithq.com
Thu Jan 10 15:29:44 CST 2002

hiya a!

i know you need "official" sources for your research, but maybe common sense
counts too! like everyone else i know, i abandon shopping charts all the
time for two simple reasons: i don't have the patience to fill out 6 pages
of slow-loading forms and i can't find the shipping info. 

i start stuff all the time only to be defeated by not being able to discover
the shipping cost & time before i've entered my credit card number! there i
am in page 4 of the 6 pages of form info and i still don't know how much i'm
gonna pay for shipping! even tho' i've already put a lot of time into it, i
usually just bag it right there.

pet peeve 1: if i make a mistake or leave out a required field, i hate it
when the error message returns the form with all the fields cleared. great
-- now i have to type all that nonsense again. pet peeve 2: going through
all the process and only then being told my item is out of stock! <sigh> 

these 4 design changes would probably boost my buying rate by 75%! <Grin>

have fun,


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