[thelist] rewrite requests with IIS?

Chris Blessing webguy at mail.rit.edu
Fri Jan 25 09:38:00 CST 2002

Is it?  On our server with the 404.asp configured as the custom 404 doc
specified as a URL in the IIS config, the "url" that the user sees in the
location bar is just the bad URL (the www.foo.com/adasbbasfbasfbsbdfsfj
url).  Maybe I'm not understanding you completely....

Chris Blessing
webguy at mail.rit.edu

> From: thelist-admin at lists.evolt.org
> Subject: RE: [thelist] rewrite requests with IIS?
> It's passed in the URL.
> To strip it out to a var use something like this:
> <%
> strURL = Replace(Request.Querystring(), "404;http://" &
> Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"), "")
> %>

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