[thelist] MS Access copy protection

Richard Bennett richard.bennett at skynet.be
Sat Feb 2 13:13:00 CST 2002

Ah - but then you wouldn't be able to reply to this message, now would you

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed McCarroll" <Ed at ComSimplicity.com>

um, well, I tried that, and now my computer won't start...
> C:\WINDOWS>   format c:
> sorry, weak attempt at humour

<tip type="javascript">
Line breaks in strings.
If you have a long string in javascript, you can break it across multiple
lines using the + sign, like this:

var message='hello, I am a long '+
    'string, oh yes I am.'


var message='hello, I am a long '
    +'string, oh yes I am.'

you can also intersperse comments in the string, like this:

var message='hello, I am a long '
    //the second line comes now:
    +'string, oh yes I am.'


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