[thelist] Re: Why code for standards

jay.blanchard at thermon.com jay.blanchard at thermon.com
Mon Feb 4 13:31:07 CST 2002

 > And W3C is an extension of which large corporation(s)?


So...membership is not limited, and W3C is not an 'extension' of large
corporations. I do understand that the buy in price, even on the affiliate
level, is steep for some companies. Unfortunately, we gotta' start somewhere...

And while we're doing that I still have to declare a set of standards (or
recommendation) documents and stick-to-'em.


<tip topic="semantics/documentation">
Be careful when wording questions in a discussion about semantics. One
improperly worded statement can come back to bite you in the keester, more
than once, and really hard. Learning to document properly will encourage
you to be language specific, leaving no doubt as to the question or the answer.

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