[thelist] Re: Why code for standards

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 4 14:27:00 CST 2002

> From: <martin.p.burns at uk.pwcglobal.com>
> Time for a bit of devil's advocacy:

heh... *i* know this isn't how you work, but i'll respond as if it were...

> Why do we want to code for standards? Is it to avoid the
> extra work involved in multiple sets of coding plus the
> intelligence to serve the correct one?

that's part of it, yes...

> Now I can see the point of that in a booming economy when
> we're all overloaded with work, but that's not the case anymore.

and?  so, in a good economy, we can create 18-wheeler brakes
that meet ISO recommendations, but once it gets slow, we don't
have to?  we can replace the pads with cotton and tinfoil?

> Times are hard. We're short of work. We have to work our backsides off
> to find it.

and raping your clients is no way to get yourself or them out of the
doldrums.. .eventually, the client will realize you're just banging
hours, and will rightfully fire you...

> So why are we turning away free work handed to us on a plate? And more
> - there are a lot of people who *only* know standards (or one
> browser). Knowing how to code round a lot of them is a competitive
> advantage - sell it to your clients as a 'must have' requirement for a
> professional, and you lock out your competitors.

it's not free work on a plate... your job as a vendor is to guide your
client, not flood them with bills...  yes, you have to stay in
business, but in the long run, you will lose out if you take that

being able to code to standards *and* to browsers beats it all,
every time... *that's* a selling point...

> Who wouldn't do that?

you, for one...

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