[thelist] web magazines etc?

Joel Canfield Joel at spinhead.com
Sun Feb 10 01:12:00 CST 2002

| You mind sharing a few of the article titles? I'm sure I'll
| get my copy soon - but I'm curious.
| Raymond

'That's What I Want' about the recording industry's ongoing struggle to
figure out how to use the internet for profit

'ASP.net, Your Next Development Platform?' - first non-hype level-headed
discussion I've read about whether or not I need (or even want) to move to

'One Part Gin, Two Parts Branding' about online branding (a Bombay Gin case

also an editorial by John Perry Barlow, who's always interesting even when I
think he's nuts, and what looks like an intersting bit about Dmitri
Skylarov. Oh, and a review of 'Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants,
Brains, Cities, and Software' which I haven't read yet.

and promised for next issue, 'Internet OS - traditional operating systems
may soon be replaced by Internet protocols and applications' [joel says,
'yeah, right, and computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons']


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