[thelist] Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and World Wide Web

Vic Wooten vicwooten at eaglewebservices.com
Wed Feb 27 06:48:01 CST 2002


----- Original Message -----
From: "Syed Zeeshan Haider" <zeeshan_paki at yahoo.com>
To: "Evolt" <thelist at lists.evolt.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 7:02 AM
Subject: [thelist] Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and World Wide Web

> Hello Experts,
> I am in very beginning of learning Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.
> I have created a simple but useful application (software) with Microsoft
> Visual Basic 6.0. I want to put it on internet as freeware and for free
> download. Now I am facing two problems.
> 1.    How to create a self extracting setup file for World Wide Web?

Clickteams Installmaker works very well. You can use it for free for as long
as you like. The unregistered version does show Clickteam ads when the
install is run. A small price to pay for this excellent tool, and it's not
likely that anyone installing your software would care about the Clickteam
ads anyway.


> 2.    Above specified application uses a special font which is very rare
> on other computer systems.         This application is useless without
> that font. How can I embed that special font in the
> application so that when someone installs the software, the special font
> is also installed?

Change the font! Unless this particular special font is "specified by the
font creator as a free font...free for open distribution", you are possibly
setting yourself up for liable (a lawsuit!). Otherwise, you should be able
to figure out how to include the font with the program.



> Thank you,
> Syed Zeeshan Haider.
> http://syedzeeshanhaider.faithweb.com/

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