[thelist] laying out in PHP

Andrew Forsberg andrew at thepander.co.nz
Wed Feb 27 15:03:01 CST 2002

>I've got it displaying it right, but it want to have each product spread
>across 2/3 coloumns of a table, but because I'm using a do { stuff to format
>how it is displayed } while loop while there are still records to be
>displayed, I cannot make it do it how I would like!
>Any ideas?

Hi Dave

So, you want to have a table like this:

product1  |  product2  |  product3
product4  |  product5  |  product6
product7  |  product8

And you need the loop to know it needs to make empty cells to fill up
the last row?

You need a counter. In pseuod-php code:

$columnCounter = 1;

while ($row = whatever_your_db_is($result)) {
	if ($columnCounter % 3 == 1) {
		// output a row opening tag
		// and the first column
	} elseif ($columnCounter % 3 == 2) {
		// output the second column
	} else {
		// output the third column
		// and close the row

Then run a similar if/elseif/else test to clean up the last row. If
the counter %3 == 1 then you'll need to generate two blank cells, if
it's equal to 2 then generate one blank cell, etc etc...

I could be way off on what you want to achieve, though.


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