[thelist] Mozilla/NS6 table rendering problems?

Faust at LeeMarvin.com Faust at LeeMarvin.com
Tue Mar 5 15:57:00 CST 2002


While modifying some Dreamweaver templates so they to contain
validate HTML, I noticed that some pages do not display the way I expect
in Mozilla/NS6.  For example, <http://www.luther.edu/> looks as
expected in most browsers, but some of the cells have extra vertical
whitespace in the Mozilla/NS6.  Any suggestions?



"At the Ashland house, where I had charge for twelve
 years, four barmen in spotless white, wearing
 carnations in their lapels, were ranged in their
 appointed stations behind the long, highly polished
 bar.  When a customer approached, a little napkin
 of Irish linen was placed on the counter in front
 of him.  A gleaming glass, suitable for the drink he
 ordered, was set before him, and the bartender then
 rapidly mixed his drink."
-- Patrick Gavin Duffy, _The Official Mixer's Manual_

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