[thelist] Centering in IE6?

s t e f stef at nota-bene.org
Tue Mar 19 11:18:01 CST 2002

[[ Scott Schrantz -- 09:10 19/03/02 -0800 ]]
>div.body {
>width: 550px;
>margin-left: auto;
>margin-right: auto;
>margin: auto usually won't work without specifying a width.

While we're at it, I read that according to the specs the hack table
height=100% doesn't work anymore in modern browsers. How would any of you
vertically center some content using CSS?

s t e f


q u o t e o f t h e d a y :

It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper.

Errol Flynn


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