[thelist] You are my friend!

Daniel J. Cody djc at members.evolt.org
Wed Mar 20 14:47:01 CST 2002

He's already gone, this time it was just from a different address, which
is held now as well. Sadly, it's things like this that are making posts
from some countries(.cn .tw .ru) automatically held by thelist software.

and i think you'll find 'listmom' on some other list

<tip type="shameless">

If you're using a cloth top mosuepad, consider switching to one made of
a hard laminate or plastic. They give much better control over your
mouse without the annoying lint.


why its shameless will be apparent soon :)

-prefers 'dan', 'djc', or 'list-admin at lists.evolt.org' over'listmom'-

Matt wrote:
> listmom, Can't we remove this guy from the list?

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