[thelist] RecordCount

Warden, Matt mwarden at mattwarden.com
Thu Mar 21 12:27:01 CST 2002

On Mar 21, Chris Blessing had something to say about RE: [thelist] RecordCount

>set objRS = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
>objRS.open strQuery, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
>theCount = objRS.RecordCount
>theRecords = objRS.getRows()
>set objRS = nothing
>By using the getRows() method, you can close the record set immediately and
>just loop through that array (theRecords).  Check it out in detail here:
>HTH!  Feel free to ask more about GetRows() if you haven't used it; it's a
>GREAT way to work with records.

yes. i much prefer working with two dimensional arrays than recordset

however, just know that there is a performance hit with
getrows(). performance-wise, it doesn't pay until you're returning over
250 records.

code-wise, it can be worth it no matter what.


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