[thelist] Need testers for m.e.o

Daniel J. Cody djc at members.evolt.org
Thu Mar 21 16:02:01 CST 2002

Sorry about the broadcast, but I'm looking for people that are willing to
test out the new webmail function of members.evolt.org for me.

Criteria: You must already have an active members.evolt.org account :)
You should use it for your primary/secondary email. You must be willing to
live on the bleeding edge. You must be willing to not ask what evolt can do
for you, but.. er.

Anyways, if you're interested in getting a sneak peek of this feature before
the other 1000 or so m.e.o account holders, drop me a line offlist!

Appreciated in any case :)

tip forthcoming


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