[thelist] DB increments without an auto increment

rudy r937 at interlog.com
Mon Apr 8 10:58:00 CDT 2002

> The database has an ID field, but no autoincrement, instead
> new ID's are generated programmatically. Normally this is no
> major problem (SELECT MAX(ID)+1 will do the trick)

hi steve

just a guess, but can we assume you don't want to hear how dangerous that

> INSERT INTO Logg (ID, cardNum, persName)
>         , relMailTemp.cardNum, relMailTemp.Name
>    FROM relMailTemp

one approach is to insert them into a temp table that *does* have an
autoincrement field, and then insert the temp rows into the final Logg

   insert into temptable (cardNum, persName)
       select cardNum, Name
         from relMailTemp

  insert into Logg (ID, cardNum, persName)
     select ID, cardNum, Name
         from temptable

you would probably also want to clear out the temp table before or after
using it, and surround all three steps in a transaction block


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