[thelist] Line counting tool...

Rob Smith rob.smith at thermon.com
Tue Apr 9 09:08:01 CDT 2002

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You'll have to use CGI on this one... ( assuming you can run CGI )

The follow in a snippet of code from Perl 5 for dummies that counts
characters, lines and words This won't get you every file but at lease it
will get you through one:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# counter1.pl: one way to count the characters, words, and
#    lines in a text file.

# The name of the file that will be counted
$TheFile = "sample.txt";

# Open the file but quit if it doesn't exist
open(INFILE, $TheFile) or die "The file $TheFile could " .
    "not be found.\n";

# Initialize the counters
$CharCount = 0;
$WordCount = 0;
$LineCount = 0;

while(<INFILE>) {
    $TheLine = $_;  # Save the line's contents
    chomp($TheLine);  # Get rid of the line break
    $LineCount = $LineCount + 1;  # This is the easy part!
    $LineLen = length($TheLine);
    # We now know how many characters (minus the line
    #    break) are on this line
    $CharCount = $CharCount + $LineLen;

    # Next, do the tricky stuff for counting words on the line

    # The line is empty, so we're done
    if($TheLine eq "") { next };
    # The line has at least one word on it
    $WordCount = $WordCount + 1;
    # Now loop through each character on this line
    #    to look for words
    $CharPos = 0;  # Position we are in the line
    # Check for line end; if not, check for a space
    until($CharPos == $LineLen) {
        if(substr($TheLine, $CharPos, 1) eq " ")
            { $WordCount = $WordCount + 1 }
        $CharPos = $CharPos + 1;
    }  # End of until
}  # End of while(<INFILE>) loop

# All finished, so print out the results

print "For the file $TheFile:\n";
print "Number of characters  $CharCount\n";
print "Number of words       $WordCount\n";
print "Number of lines       $LineCount\n";

I'm sure you can bring this over to asp rather easliy

count the total number of lines?

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