[thelist] Brain fart html w/asp Redefined

Scott Schrantz scotts at rci-nv.com
Thu Apr 11 16:45:01 CDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Smith [mailto:rob.smith at thermon.com]
> I have a form. That forms sends stuff using GET to this form
> (in email).
> This form (in email) needs to be checked if certain
> selections were made and
> then run make decisions from those choices. So basically I have two
> querystings running around on the same page. Gotta' eliminate
> one and use
> the other. so...
> I stored the previous information into an array so I could
> keep it so I
> could check the new selections with request.form(). Then use
> both pieces of
> information to do something else... awe heck see below.
> <art type="ascii" />

If you have two forms, and you want the results from both to pass to a third
page for processing, you can insert the results from the first form into
hidden fields in the second form. Everything will then be submitted with
that second form, and you'll have it all in a single form collection on the
third page:

<form action="page3.asp" method="post">
<!-- Second form (new choices made) -->
<input type="text" name="data1" />
<input type="text" name="data2" />
<input type="text" name="data3" />

<!-- data from first form (but needs previous information too.) -->
<input type="hidden" name="value1" value="<%= Request.QueryString("value1")
%>" />
<input type="hidden" name="value2" value="<%= Request.QueryString("value2")
%>" />
<input type="hidden" name="value3" value="<%= Request.QueryString("value3")
%>" />

<input type="submit" />

Page3.asp can then access all of it thusly:

strValue1 = Request.Form("value1")
strData1 = Request.Form("data1")

Is that what you're looking for?

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