[thelist] Playing with ServerXMLHTTP

darren darren at web-bitch.co.uk
Wed Apr 17 12:59:11 CDT 2002

On 17 April 2002 at 18:24:16, James Q. Stansfield <jqs at iridani.net> wrote:

JQS>     Okay, I've done it by POSTing a form wiht my data, but I like your
JQS> method below. One question, I've seen this in many an example, but no one
JQS> shows how to retrieve the XML on the other side... How do you do it? It
JQS> can't be as simple as:

JQS> <%
JQS> dim objGet
JQS> set objGet = server.createobject("MSXML.DOMDocument.4.0")
JQS> objGET.LoadXML(request)
JQS> ...

ok...took a couple of re-reads of the question, before i understood what
you were asking!  brain's going rather slow at the moment! :>

in answer to your question, i don't know for sure.  i think you just have
to use:


as you're not loading an xml string.

from the ms xml docs:


   xmlSource - Indicator of the object that specifies the source for the
               XML document. The object can represent a URL, a Request
               object, an IStream, a SAFEARRAY, or a DOMDocument object.
   Remarks:    If xmlSource is an ASP Request, object load Reads and parses
               the data from the Request object.

you should be able to see what's in objGET by a simple:

   Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objGET.xml)



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