[thelist] regular expressions and making links clickable

Ben Phillips ben at inchima.com
Fri Apr 19 05:54:00 CDT 2002

i have the following function:

function html_activate_links($str)
  $str = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)',
'<a href="\\1">\\1</a>', $str);
  $str =
'\\1<a href="http://\\2">\\2</a>', $str);
  //$str =
href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\1</a>', $str);
  return $str;

which i took from <http://www.zend.com/codex.php?id=395&single=1>. it
takes a piece of text ($str) and returns it but with the links made
clickable - ie. it wraps them in <a></a> tags.

the problem is, it includes a full stop at the end of a sentence...

you can see an example at <http://www.groupfmi.com/linkstest.fmi>

i've tried a couple of things, but i'm no regular expression expert,
even after reading chris' article on evolt,

can anybody help shed some light on this for me and help me escape the
drudgery of friday with a little bit of success?


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