[thelist] OT: e-commerce PayPal

Ron Dorman rwd at csi1st.net
Wed May 8 19:24:01 CDT 2002

Martin wrote:

> On Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 10:50  pm, Hugh Blair wrote:
>> It works. There are those that don't like it. Those that don't like the
>> amount
>> of info you have to provide,
> I think the concerns go a bit deeper than simple privacy:
> http://www.paypalsucks.com/
> http://www.PayPalWarning.com/

I have the same concerns about many financial operations, inside and
outside the established financial community.

> IMO anyone operating as a bank (and PP clearly are)
> should be regulated as one.
> Louisiana & NY agree:
> http://news.com.com/2100-1017-834313.html

I could provide a similar horror story about my experience with
CardServices International, a large, reputable credit card processor.
Merchant account, regulations, the whole works.  I'm still several
thousand short from a "systems upgrade" they did.  However, there are
some who swear that CardServices it great.

If something is working for you, use it.  Be aware of the risks and have
options available.  I know several people that are perfectly happy with
PayPal.  It is not a part the established financial community and
catches a lot flack because of it.  Doesn't mean it will work for
everyone.  Doesn't mean some won't get burned.

Do we have those guarantees anywhere?

Ron D.

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